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PITCHER builds on the final recommendations of the European project NETCHER  (H2020 - 2019-2021) coordinated by the CNRS, which implemented a strong trans sectoral network as well as issued a set of recommendations on the fight against looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods. One of the main components of the recommendations, is the need for awareness-raising and guidance toward Educational communities. The PITCHER project idea came from CNRS, ENSP, and MCA - members of the NETCHER consortium - together with BIBRACTE, a major actor of the Archeology sector in France, MUSEOMIX, a reference association in mediation for museums, and four schools from Greece, Spain, and Italy, interested in co-designing and implementing the project.




PITCHER proposes a new model for showing young people how they can support the fight against looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods, addressing their school teachers, to raise teachers’ awareness and enhance their professional development in this field. To do so, the project relies on 3 major steps:


1 - Create a common framework and methodology
November 2021- October 2022

During this first year of the project, partners will build a common framework and work methodology by analysing existing good practices and initiatives. This includes the identification of case studies and interviews with stakeholders and key actors. Focus groups can be organised in the partner countries with relevant local stakeholders to share and validate the results of this phase. The existing potential available in European digital collections of cultural heritage will be analyzed, to identify and select the most effective materials to be made available to the European schools.


2 - Develop and test Open Educational Resources
November 2022 - July 2024

During this second phase, partners will develop the Open Educational Resources (OERs). The courses and the related educational materials will be prepared in English in the first version, and they will be translated (if necessary) and tested in the partner countries. Teachers and students, but also citizens, will be involved in the pilot action. Thanks to the feedback received from the participants to the pilot actions, the OERs will be revised and fine-tuned. Evaluation activities will be boosted in this phase to support the testing with the collection and analysis of adequate data.

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© Antoine Maillier. Bibracte

3 - Modeling and recommendations 
April - October 2024

Based on the results of the test phase, the training materials will be revised and improved and enriched with additional materials. During this phase, partners will work together in order to create a model of intervention and a series of guidelines and recommendations for drafting a document paving the way to amass use of the training model and resources at the local, regional, or even national level.PITCHER will develop scenarios that advance the concept of 'open schooling' by building clusters of stakeholders around a creative and critical engagement of youngsters in the fight against looting and trafficking of cultural goods, also involving – as a secondary target group – museum educators, memory institutions and other organizations involved in informal and non-formal educational places, such as community centers, services for youth, young offenders.

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© Antoine Maillier. Bibracte

Contact us: 
On social media   #PITCHERProject

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the French Erasmus+ Agency. Neither the European Union nor the Agency can be held responsible for them.

© 2021-2024 PITCHER Project

Pictures: Antoine Maillier - Bibracte.

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