External resources in line with the PITCHER’s aims
Downloadable royalty-free resources
If you use this infographic, please mention: Jens Notroff - jensnotroff.com
Resources for training and classroom use
Training and preparation
Mainly for teachers, but also for secondary school students (e.g. to prepare for a presentation or an oral exam).
UNESCO website pages on illicit trafficking in cultural property
UNESCO online library
Observatory illicit traffic, website
Trafficking Culture, website
50 years of the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural goods, UNESCO, 2020, online publication, 49 pages
Culture & development: stop the illicit traffic of cultural property, UNESCO, 2013, online publication, 47 pages
Art & Crime. The fight against looters, forgers, and frauders in the high-stakes art world by Stefan Koldehoff, Tobias Timm, book
Use with the students
Heritage is identity, don’t steal it - Africa, South East Asia and East Asia, UNESCO, 2015, 00:00:38
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Art and Antiquities Markets,The Financial Action Task Force, 2023, 00:01:24
The trail of stolen cultural objects - stop trafficking and save culture, UNESCO, 2019, 00:01:38
EXCAVATING/LOOTING, it's not the same History!, Coproduction : musée d'Archéologie nationale, Inrap et Service du Patrimoine du ministère de la Culture. Réalisation : Edoardo Cecchin. 2022, without texte, 00:01:49
End trafficking, save culture,UNESCO, 2017, 00:02:47
Erasing Memory: The Cultural Destruction of Iraq, Deep Dish TV, 2018, 00:28
Other online resources:
Europeana public gallery with 24 related works
The stolen works of Johannes Vermeer, Google Art & Culture, interactive story
Can You Identify These 4 Famous Stolen Artworks?, Google Art & Culture, interactive story
ID-Art Interpol
Archaeologia Bulgarica Game, board game
Methods and models
Museomix Method
Educational activities:
BILADI: No to the illicit trafficking in antiquities
Our Dear Treasures
Stolen work: our history in danger