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The IES Albalat will disseminate the results of the PITCHER project at faculty of teacher training of the University of Extremadura

Within the framework of collaboration that IES Albalat has with the NODO Educational Research Group, the PITCHER project will be disseminated among teachers and students of the Faculty of Teacher Training of the University of Extremadura.

During the morning of 20 September 2024, at the Faculty of Teacher Training of the University of Extremadura, in the University Campus, a dissemination day of the results of the PITCHER project will be held at the University of Extremadura. 

In the case of IES Albalat, the secondary school has decided to organise its multiplier event in a university academic context, in order to try to make the results of the project reach more than 150 people, students of History and Pedagogy and university teachers specialised in new technologies.

In our case, and starting from showing the process of making our OER ‘The Talking Clay’ (context of the resource, objectives, methodology used...), we will try to make the audience understand the importance of open educational resources to address cross-cutting issues that should concern European citizenship. This is the case with archaeological heritage, the trace of who we are, and it has been the case with all the open educational resources created by the partners of the PITCHER Project.

In addition, we will focus on testing the resource among the 120 students of IES Albalat who have tested, during the 23/24 academic year, ‘The talking Clay’, a project with which we have tried to raise awareness among young people of the importance of the professions that take care of our heritage (archaeologists, conservators, police ...) and the leading role that the general public can have when archaeological pieces are found.

We hope that our proposal will be well received, and we invite you to visit us on 20 September 2024. You are still in time to register here. 


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