The thematic Workshop on "Innovation against trafficking of cultural goods", organised by the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS), aims at presenting and discussing European research and innovative solutions, as well as further capability needs, relevant for countering trafficking and illicit trade in cultural goods across the European Union borders. Interested audience include security practitioners, especially customs and law enforcement authorities, but also innovators, operators in the cultural goods markets, and national and EU policy makers on capabilities such as those related to detection of threats in the flow of goods and services, and risk assessment.
The Workshop, taking place next 5th December in Brussels, brings together EU-funded projects of innovative European technologies in this field; from relevant AI tools and web-crawlers to advanced and safe tracking and detection technologies that enhance the protection of cultural goods.
Our PITCHER project has been included as one of the good practices, and will be presented during the Block 3 , focusing on the the key European expert networks.