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Preventing Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Heritage:
Educational Resources

2021 - 2024



After three years of intense and fruitful collaboration, the PITCHER project is now over, and we are proud to have received the Erasmus+ "Good Practice" label, that confirms the quality and impact of its achievements. 

Through its trans-sectoral approach, the project developed the following resources to raise awareness about illicit trafficking of cultural heritage to educational communities:

  • 17 Open Educational Resources: Available in English and additional languages, these resources address every stage of looting and illicit trafficking, tailored to various student age groups—primary, secondary, and upper school.

  • Teachers and Cultural Mediators Guide: This guide introduces innovative tools and resources to help prevent the looting and illicit trafficking of cultural artifacts. It equips educators with engaging activities, real-life case studies, and expert insights to empower their students.

  • Recommendations for Policymakers: This resource provides a detailed strategy for integrating these critical topics into education systems, raising public awareness, and updating legal frameworks. It includes a concise two-page Policy Brief that highlights the main recommendations.

What is PITCHER?

The general objective of PITCHER consists of the design and test of a set of open educational resources focusing on improving the educators’ capacity in preparing new learning experiences to support the fight against looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods.

The project proposes a new model for showing young people how they can support the fight against looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods, addressing their school teachers, to raise teachers’ awareness and enhance their professional development in this field.

8 European partners

5 countries

An expertise in formal and nonformal education


The general objective of PITCHER consists of the design and test of a set of open educational resources, to be made available online, focusing on improving the educators’ capacity in preparing new learning experiences to support the fight against looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods. This will be done by:

  • Empowering schools with tools to help their students acquire the critical thinking skills necessary to play an effective role in tackling this problem,as a young citizen and as an adult;

  • Creating educational materials based on STEAM Education as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking;

  • Using the educational potential present in European digital heritage collections (archeological sites, museums, libraries, etc.) to help teachers develop lessons and workshops focusing on the fight against looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods.



Advisory Board and Associate partners


Contact us: 
On social media   #PITCHERProject

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the French Erasmus+ Agency. Neither the European Union nor the Agency can be held responsible for them.

© 2021-2024 PITCHER Project

Pictures: Antoine Maillier - Bibracte.

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